Teaching & Training Resources

The following resources are only some of the practical, in depth and content-rich Christian education-based and life-changing teaching and training products and resources that have been personally written, developed, published and presented by Rev. William B. Kallon. With Rev. Kallon's many years of professional and hard earned experience in Christian ministry (i.e. preaching, teaching, counseling and mentoring) and business, he is passionate, devoted and committed to equipping, training and building the lives of believers locally and strengthening the Christian church worldwide.

Our wide variety of products and teaching, training and coaching programs and resources (i.e. books, mini books, booklets, Bible studies, study guides, CDs, DVD videos, etc.) are designed to inspire, educate and empower Christians to live the victorious Christian life, set and reach their personal and professional goals and leave a legacy for the next generation.

Books, Bible Studies & Study Guides 

The Work of the Holy Spirit

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is one amongst many other biblical doctrines taught by Christ and His apostles and believed and upheld by the early church, is the most controversial doctrine amongst Christians today. Unlike other Christian denominations, Pentecostal and Charismatic believers for the most part associate the baptism of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues (i.e. “The initial evidence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues”). While most Pentecostal and charismatic believers profess and claim that this is what distinguish and set them apart from other Christian denominations, a careful and deeper dive into the New Testament Scriptures reveal a doctrinal inconsistency.

In this book and study guide, Rev. William Kallon explores the New Testament and show that the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues are two separate works of the Holy Spirit: the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a one-time event and universal to all believers in Jesus Christ, while speaking in tongues is an ongoing experience that is limited to only some believers (see 1 Cor. 12:10, 13, 27-30; 14:1-5; Gal. 3:26-29).   

Price: $10.99

Click HERE to buy

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Training Courses & Programs 

Christian Marriage

Bible Teaching Ministry

Deliverance Ministry

Christian Writing & Self-Publishing

Education-based Information Product Development